Windows in the MS Holland Kozijnen offer are the most important, flagship item, responsible for the great success of the company. Each window that ends up in the catalog prepared for customers is a proven solution, fully prepared to cope perfectly in the situations for which it was intended. The wide selection means that every investor will find warm windows for themselves at an acceptable price and presenting exactly the design that best suits their aesthetic concept.

PVC windows
We specialize in plastic window frames, doors, garden doors and sliding doors. Our sales consultants know the products we offer very well, so they are able to provide you with comprehensive and reliable advice on their selection. Our priority is customer satisfaction, which is why we deliver high-quality products without burdening you with additional costs.

Aluminum windows
The best window and door system solutions using aluminum. Durability, simplicity, functionality and safety are some of the many advantages of aluminum joinery.

Functional and aesthetic window accessories are their essential complement. We offer warm frames, handles, pulls, glazing bars, air vents, covers and window sills.
Design adapted to the market and legal requirements prevailing in the country.
Safe fittings and high-class profiles from the largest European manufacturers.

Window accessories that add expression and functionality.
Solutions for single-family homes and public buildings.

The acrylic glass layer makes
window color much more durable.
The coating reflects the rays
sunny and does not peel.

In our work we use only new technologies. V-Perfect is the result of precise connection of profiles.

Safe windows from MS Holland Kozijnen
Windows from MS Holland Kozijnen are safe windows that provide protection against the most important undesirable factors. First of all, it is the cold, which will not have access to the interior thanks to the excellent thermal transmittance coefficient offered by Kornik systems. You can also count on effective protection against noise, gusts of wind and water. There is an option to use special fittings that make it difficult to physically force the window, providing it with anti-burglary properties.

Warm, energy-saving windows
Good windows are warm windows, i.e. energy-efficient, equipped with impeccably made window seals. Choosing them for your home, office or apartment can mean reducing heat loss by up to several dozen percent, which drastically reduces heating costs. Using windows with an appropriate level of energy efficiency is currently a requirement set by law, which means that only the best windows can be used in new investments.

Noise-insulating windows
Windows should isolate from all unwanted external factors, including noise. Acoustic insulation is a feature that is expected of all windows and the proposals presented by MS Holland Kozijnen fully meet them. Standard windows are able to soundproof interiors well, but this is not enough in every place. Therefore, MS Holland Kozijnen can offer additional solutions that will allow for a significant increase in acoustic insulation.

Windows with the best glass
Windows offered by MS Holland Kozijnen allow the use of the most advanced glazing units, thanks to which it is possible to obtain the best performance parameters on the market. The glazing units used by MS Holland Kozijnen are generally units consisting of two panes, but triple glazing units are becoming increasingly standard, and in selected systems it is even possible to use units with four panes, additionally equipped with so-called warm edges.
Windows that offer security
MS Holland Kozijnen offers many types of products. However, the most important aspect is always the customer's safety. That is why the company offers windows with anti-burglary properties made of the highest quality components available on the market. Even the proposals that were not prepared as anti-burglary are characterized by very high quality. Thanks to this, they can be treated as effective barriers not only against wind and moisture, but also against unwanted guests.
This applies to all types of windows offered by MS Holland Kozijnen. These are:
PVC windows
aluminum windows
High quality workmanship, as well as selected materials used, translates into the window's solidity, which naturally provides high resistance to mechanical damage. What's more, the windows available in the MS Holland Kozijnen offer are equipped with fittings from renowned manufacturers, so as to guarantee buyers an even higher level of security.
Each window is only as strong and resistant as its weakest element, so MS Holland Kozijnen makes every effort to ensure that there are no such weak points. Not in terms of the materials used, the technologies used, and certainly not in the diligence of the production workers.
Energy-saving windows
People looking for energy-saving solutions are advised to choose at least a triple-glazed package. It is used in the construction of modern houses, although it can also be successfully used in older buildings. There is no major practical difference here, because the packages are characterized by universality of use and can be used in many solutions, as long as the specific system has the required capacity to maintain them.
The glass used in windows, but also in doors, is of great importance for the overall energy efficiency of the solution, because in some systems the ratio of glazing to profiles exceeds even 90%. Statistically speaking, this is the path through which the most heat will try to escape and it must be taken care of first.
Of course, this is not the only mechanism for heat loss. A lot of energy can also potentially be lost through profiles and all the places of connections and joints, where so-called thermal bridges are created. MS Holland Kozijnen combats them in many ways, including using appropriate window seals and solutions where permanent connections are created , less susceptible to the formation of thermal bridges.
An additional advantage of windows offered by MS Holland Kozijnen is high light transmittance, thanks to which we can enjoy bright interiors and space to the fullest extent. The use of all the above-mentioned technologies and very high workmanship mean that increasing glazing and reducing the size of profiles does not negatively affect the thermal properties of windows manufactured in Kornice. Importantly, even windows with double-glazed packages are characterized by very good parameters and although they are not recommended for most investments, there are still many applications for them.
Noise reduced by windows and balcony doors
Properly prepared glazing, which is used by balcony doors and windows, is a guarantee of high acoustic comfort. Balcony doors are an important complement to windows here, because their surface is relatively large. The solution to exceptionally aggressive unwanted sounds reaching from outside is the use of laminated glass with a special acoustic foil. Such foil enables even more effective noise reduction than a high-quality window equipped with good window seals. Thanks to soundproof glass, you can find peace and quiet - even in the hustle and bustle of crowded metropolises.
All modern windows must meet appropriate noise standards, so even if customers choose windows that are not designed with noise reduction as a priority, they can count on a very high level of unwanted sound insulation. This is largely due to the quality of the windows. The higher the quality, the better the acoustic properties of the window.
There are also many solutions that can easily help in this area. In addition to the special acoustic foils mentioned above, you can use higher density plastic or glazing with special glass packages. In such packages, the individual panes have a different thickness, thanks to which they are able to effectively disperse sound waves of different frequencies. This solution is particularly effective in cities, where at different times of the day residents and workers are exposed to sounds of very different frequencies: road traffic, construction and renovation work, trams, human voices and various other sounds that appear in the city.
The most vulnerable have to deal with air and rail traffic or industrial activity close to their place of residence. A window capable of dealing with different types of noise guarantees that silence will be ensured inside, both in the morning, afternoon, evening and at night.
Fittings decide everything in windows
The fittings used in MS Holland Kozijnen window systems guarantee resistance to mechanical damage , thanks to which the windows purchased from us will serve for many years. This is an element that should not be underestimated, because literally all parameters of the window, from the aesthetic impressions offered by the system to the properties in the field of acoustics or thermal insulation, depend simply on their technical condition.
All indicators are always given for a window that has been correctly manufactured and installed. However, if over time the window loses its shape, and its elements move relative to each other, warp or simply get damaged, you can be sure that you will no longer achieve parameters even close to the standard.
High-quality fittings, combined with other materials of appropriate quality, are a necessary condition for maintaining the window's properties at the appropriate level for as long as possible. Each product offered by MS Holland Kozijnen is covered by a guarantee , during which the technical parameters of the installed window will certainly not deteriorate to a greater extent than is absolutely inevitable due to the laws of physics. Unfortunately, there are no indestructible windows, but the difference between reliable high-class windows with good fittings and intermediate windows, the production of which did not take so much care, is really significant.
Easy window adjustment
Of no small importance for how windows work is window adjustment, i.e. setting them in the right configuration. It is very important that all elements are set correctly in relation to each other, which is a necessary condition for obtaining the right parameters . It should be remembered that all technical parameters are calculated for a window that has been installed in an impeccable manner.
The most important thing here is the correct positioning of the window sash. It is worth checking this yourself after the windows have been adjusted during installation . The sash should overlap the profiles to the extent indicated by the manufacturer. Any deviations from the norm will reduce its tightness. Balcony doors will suffer from this even more than ordinary windows.
Fortunately, window adjustment is very simple. All you need to do is turn the appropriate screws, usually no more than one or two turns. You can do it yourself without much trouble using tools that are found in almost every home. Proper window adjustment ensures that the window seals will insulate properly.
Window seals are set correctly
Window seals should not only be of good quality, but they should also be used appropriately to obtain the best performance parameters. A branded manufacturer, such as Eko-Okna SA, uses window fittings that allow you to change the seal pressure depending on your needs. It is not worth buying windows that do not provide this option.
For years, it has been desirable for windows not to be too tight and for air exchange to be possible through them . Window vents can be used for this purpose, but in the conditions of a normal house it is better to simply set the windows to summer mode. In the cold months, when the priority will be to reduce heat loss, the windows are switched to winter mode.
Summer mode is a situation in which window seals exert less pressure on the profiles and are therefore less airtight. In the winter months, the pressure increases, which improves the thermal parameters of the window. Changes are made quite simply by moving special adjustment pins. Window adjustment can be successfully carried out independently.
Window vents for health and safety
MS Holland Kozijnen offers the option of equipping its windows with special window vents . These are solutions designed to improve ventilation by controlling the supply of air through the window.
Window air vents can be mounted in the frame by milling a suitable hole in it or they can be placed between the glass and the frame. There is a possibility of manual control of air flow or automatic control based on air pressure or humidity.
Regardless of the option, automatic window regulation based on pressure or humidity does not require electrical power. These are solutions used primarily in restaurants or in places where a large amount of toxic substances, such as exhaust fumes, may appear. There is also the possibility of choosing solutions for homes that are at risk of, for example, water vapor settling in the interior due to insufficient ventilation.